Api documentation

Api documentation

Get Engine Details by ID

Spec: Engine and Transmission

Response format

JSON Response

  1. {
  2. "id": {string},
  3. "name": {string},
  4. "equipmentType": "ENGINE",
  5. "availability": {string},
  6. "compressionRatio": {float},
  7. "cylinder": {integer},
  8. "size": {float},
  9. "displacement": {integer},
  10. "configuration": {string},
  11. "fuelType": {string},
  12. "horsepower": {integer},
  13. "torque": {integer},
  14. "totalValves": {integer},
  15. "manufacturerEngineCode": {string},
  16. "type": {string},
  17. "code": {string},
  18. "compressorType": {string}
  19. }
Property Description Visibility
id The engine ID Edmunds, Partners, Public
name The engine name Edmunds, Partners, Public
equipmentType Always “ENGINE” Edmunds, Partners, Public
availability The availability of the equipment (see overview) Edmunds, Partners, Public
compressionRatio The engine compression ratio Edmunds, Partners, Public
cylinder The number of cylinders this engine has Edmunds, Partners, Public
size The car model year ID and four-digit year Edmunds, Partners, Public
displacement The engine size Edmunds, Partners, Public
configuration The engine configuration Edmunds, Partners, Public
fuelType The engine fuel type Edmunds, Partners, Public
horsepower The engine horsepower Edmunds, Partners, Public
torque The engine torque Edmunds, Partners, Public
totalValves The total values in the engine Edmunds, Partners, Public
manufacturerEngineCode The manufacturer name for the engine Edmunds, Partners, Public
type The type type (gas, hybrid, diesel, …etc) Edmunds, Partners, Public
code The engine code Edmunds, Partners, Public
compressorType The engine compressor type Edmunds, Partners, Public