EditAPI Branding guide

    Edmunds API
    branding guide

    Follow this guide to properly attribute Edmunds when you use any of our API content on your site or in a client application.

    Edmunds API logos

    Use the Edmunds API web logo on every desktop and mobile page that interacts with the Edmunds API or displays the Edmunds API data.

    Only the following logos are allowed for branding attribution on your site or in your app. They’re to be used at full size, so select the logo that best fits your needs.

    additional branding requirements

    • The Edmunds API logo shouldn’t be the most prominent element or logo on the page, nor the only branding on the page.

    • Place the Edmunds API web logo right next to where the Edmunds API data is being interacted with or displayed.

    • The Edmunds API logo must directly link to http://www.edmunds.com/?id=apis.


    1. Put a tag on your page next to where the Edmunds data is or is being displayed.

    2. Paste the following URL to the src attribute (in this format):

    3. Change the parameters of the URL with the following values (and remove the brackets):

      1. size - 100px, 220px, 300px
      2. format - horizontal, ad, square
      3. retina - true, false
      4. color - blue, gray
      5. api_key - your own API key


    • <a href="http://www.edmunds.com/?id=apis"> <img src="https://open-api.edmunds.com/api/openapi/v1/logo?size=100&format=ad&retina=true&color=white&api_key=111111111111111111111111"> </a>

    Mobile apps

    1. Create a remote image container on the page in the acceptable sizes <w, h> and <w, h>

    2. Paste the following URL to the image container (in this format):

    3. Change the parameters of the URL with the following values (and remove the brackets):

      1. size - 100px, 220px, 300px
      2. format - horizontal, ad, square
      3. retina - true, false
      4. color - blue, gray
      5. api_key - your own API key

    Example iOS Objective-C:

    • NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:path]; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]; UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data]; UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:img];

    Example iOS Swift:

    • var url = NSURL(string: path) var data = NSData(contentsOfURL : url!) let imageView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(data: data!, scale: 1.0))

    Example Android:

    • URL newurl = new URL(path); mIcon_val = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(newurl.openConnection() .getInputStream()); imageView.setImageBitmap(mIcon_val);

    Edmunds logo formats

    300px horizontal

    Edmunds API Logos 300x60 standard color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 300x60 standard grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    300px horizontal (Retina)

    Edmunds API Logos 300x60 retina color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 300x60 retina grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    300px ad format

    Edmunds API Logos 300x250 standard color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 300x250 standard grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    300px ad format (Retina)

    Edmunds API Logos 300x250 retina color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 300x250 retina grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    220px horizontal

    Edmunds API Logos 220x44 standard color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 220x44 standard grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    220px horizontal (Retina)

    Edmunds API Logos 220x44 retina color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 220x44 retina grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    100px square

    Edmunds API Logos 100x100 standard color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 100x100 standard grayscale

    Dark on gray background

    100px square (Retina)

    Edmunds API Logos 100x100 retina color

    Blue on white background

    Edmunds API Logos 100x100 retina grayscale

    Dark on gray background


    Please don’t use our logo or text attribution in a way that would suggest Edmunds promotes or endorses you or any third party—or the causes, ideas, websites, products or services of you or any third party.

    Please contact Edmunds before publishing your application if it doesn’t easily support logos, or where Edmunds data are used in alternative media formats. We’ll give you alternative branding instructions.

    Prior written consent from Edmunds is required to use Edmunds data without attribution.