Api documentation

Api documentation

Get Maintenance Schedule by Car Model Year ID

Service: Maintenance

Response format

  1. {
  2. "actionHolder": [{
  3. "id": 563663,
  4. "engineCode": "8VNAG4.6",
  5. "transmissionCode": "ALL",
  6. "intervalMileage": 0,
  7. "intervalMonth": 1,
  8. "frequency": 4,
  9. "action": "Check operation",
  10. "item": "Lighting",
  11. "itemDescription": "The vehicle\u0027s electrical illumination.",
  12. "laborUnits": 0.0,
  13. "partUnits": 0.0,
  14. "driveType": "ALL",
  15. "modelYear": "/api/vehicle/modelyearrepository/findbyid?id=100502677"
  16. }]
  17. }
Property Description Visibility
id The maintenance ID Edmunds, Partners, Public
engineCode The engine code that this maintenance applies to Edmunds, Partners, Public
transmissionCode The transmission code this maintenance applies to Edmunds, Partners, Public
intervalMileage The mileage intervals where this maintenance applies Edmunds, Partners, Public
intervalMonth The number of months where this maintenance applies Edmunds, Partners, Public
frequency The frequency ID (see overview) Edmunds, Partners, Public
action The name of the maintenance action Edmunds, Partners, Public
item The item to which this maintenance applies Edmunds, Partners, Public
itemDescription The description of this item Edmunds, Partners, Public
laborUnits The cost of labor for this unit Edmunds, Partners, Public
partUnits The cost of the item Edmunds, Partners, Public
driveType The drivenWheels value Edmunds, Partners, Public
modelYear The model year ID Edmunds, Partners, Public