Api documentation

Api documentation

Vehicle Inventory Listings by Zipcode

Vehicle Listings
v2 v1

Response format

  1. {
  2. "totalCount": {integer},
  3. "resultsList": [{
  4. "year": {integer},
  5. "features": {array},
  6. "options": {array},
  7. "make": {string},
  8. "model": {string},
  9. "bodyType": {string},
  10. "trim": {string},
  11. "modelYearId": {integer},
  12. "styleId": {integer},
  13. "transmission": {string},
  14. "modelLinkCode": {string},
  15. "submodelId": {integer},
  16. "combinedMpg": {integer},
  17. "styleName": {string},
  18. "submodel": {string},
  19. "inventoryType": {string},
  20. "engineSize": {integer},
  21. "driveTrain": {string},
  22. "franchiseId": {integer},
  23. "exteriorColor": {string},
  24. "interiorColor": {string},
  25. "carfaxes": {array},
  26. "hasBuildDataAndFullyMatched": {boolean},
  27. "vin": {string},
  28. "mileage": {integer},
  29. "inventoryId": {integer},
  30. "cityMpg": {integer},
  31. "hwyMpg": {integer},
  32. "msrpPrice": {integer},
  33. "inventoryPrice": {float},
  34. "stockNumber": {string},
  35. "vehicleComments": {string},
  36. "exteriorGenericColor": {string},
  37. "interiorGenericColor": {string},
  38. "guaranteedPrice": {float},
  39. "gpexperiationDate": {date},
  40. "tmvinventoryPrice": {float},
  41. "tmvdealerCash": {flot},
  42. "tmvcustomerIncentives": {float},
  43. "invoicePrice": {float},
  44. "dealerInPDP": {boolean},
  45. "dealerName": {string},
  46. "dealerAddress": {string},
  47. "dealerPhone": {string},
  48. "dealerLatitude": {float},
  49. "dealerLongitude": {float},
  50. "dealerDistinace": {float},
  51. "dealerServiceRating": {float},
  52. "dealerSaleRating": {float},
  53. "countMatchedVehicles": {integer},
  54. "countAllVehicles": {integer},
  55. "dealerLocationId": {integer},
  56. "dealerSalesReviewsCount": {integer},
  57. "dealerServiceReviewsCount": {integer},
  58. "dealerMake": {string},
  59. "f34PhotoUrlsE": {string},
  60. "f34PhotoUrlsSE": {string},
  61. "f34PhotoUrlsT": {string},
  62. "photoUrlsST": {array},
  63. "photoUrlsST": {array},
  64. "photoUrlsST": {arrat},
  65. "tmvPrice": {float}
  66. "premierDealer": {boolean}
  67. }]
  68. }
Property Description Visibility
totalCount Total count of results Edmunds, Partners, Public
year The car year Edmunds, Partners, Public
features Array of features this car has Edmunds, Partners, Public
options Array of options this car has Edmunds, Partners, Public
make The car make Edmunds, Partners, Public
model The car model Edmunds, Partners, Public
bodyType The car type or category (see Vehicle API overview) Edmunds, Partners, Public
trim The car trim Edmunds, Partners, Public
modelYearId The Model Year ID of this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
styleId The style ID of this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
transmission The transmission type on this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
modelLinkCode The manufacturer’s model code for this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
submodelId The submodel ID for this car (i.e. Sedan, ..etc) Edmunds, Partners, Public
combinedMpg The combined MPG for this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
engineSize The size of this car’s engine Edmunds, Partners, Public
driveTrain The drivetrain of this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
styleName The style name of this car Edmunds, Partners, Public
submodel The car’s submodel Edmunds, Partners, Public
inventoryType Is this car NEW, USED or CPO? Edmunds, Partners
franchiseId The dealer ID Edmunds, Partners
exteriorColor The car’s exterior color Edmunds, Partners, Public
interiorColor The car’s interior color Edmunds, Partners, Public
hasBuildDataAndFullyMatched Is the built data available for this car? Edmunds
carfaxes The Carfax data for this car Edmunds
mileage The number of miles this car has on it Edmunds, Partners, Public
vin The vehicle VIN Edmunds, Partners, Public
inventoryId The inventory ID Edmunds, partners, Public
cityMpg The car’s City MPG Edmunds, Partners, Public
HwyMpg The car’s Highway MPG Edmunds, Partners, Public
msrpPrice The MSRP of this car Edmunds, Partners
inventoryPrice The price set for this car Edmunds, Partners
stockNumber The stock number of the car Edmunds, Partners, Public
vehicleComment Comments on this vehicle Edmunds
exteriorGenericColor Exterior generic color Edmunds, Partners, Public
interiorGenericColor Interior generic color Edmunds, Partners, Public
guaranteedPrice Edmunds.com’s guaranteed price Edmunds, Partners
gpexperiationDate Guaranteed Price expiration date Edmunds, partners
tmvinventoryPrice TMV price for this car Edmunds, Partners
tmvdealerCash Dealer cash for this car Edmunds, Partners
tmvcustomerIncentives Customer incentives for this car Edmunds, Partners
invoicePrice The invoice price on this car Edmunds, Partners
dealerInPDP Is this dealership in Edmunds PDP? Edmunds
dealerName The name of the dealership selling this car Edmunds, Partners
dealerAddress The dealership address Edmunds, Partners
dealerPhone The dealership phone number Edmunds, Partners
dealerLatitude The dealership location coordinates Edmunds, Partners
dealerLongitude The dealership location coordinates Edmunds, Partners
dealerDistinace Distance from the zipcode supplied Edmunds, Partners
dealerServiceRating Dealership Service rating Edmunds, Partners
dealerSaleRating Dealership Sale rating Edmunds, Partners
countMatchedVehicles Number of matched cars at the dealership Edmunds, Partners
countAllVehicles All vehicle count at the dealership Edmunds
dealerLocationId Dealership location ID Edmunds, Partners
dealerSalesReviewsCount Number of sales reviews this dealer has Edmunds, Partners
dealerServiceReviewsCount Number of service reviews this dealer has Edmunds, Partners
dealerMake The car make Edmunds, Partners
f34PhotoUrlsE Car photos Edmunds
f34PhotoUrlsST Car photos Edmunds
f34PhotoUrlsT Car photos Edmunds
photoUrlsST Car photos Edmunds
photoUrlsE Car photos Edmunds
photoUrlsT Car photos Edmunds
tmvPrice The TMV Price (deprecated. Use tmvinventoryPrice) Edmunds
premierDealer Is this dealership a premier dealer? Edmunds

Note: Public visibility is only available to public API keys that have been approved for access by Edmunds.com